ARDOR Literary Magazine | Submissions are currently CLOSED.

We're grateful that we'll have the opportunity to consider your work. Please take a moment to read this page and review our guidelines before submitting through our online submission management system.
ARDOR looks for original, unpublished writing. Because we're a digital publication it's important that the writing you submit hasn't appeared elsewhere online (even a personal blog). If you're unsure about whether or not we'll consider your work please send a query before submitting.
We recommend taking a look at a recent issue of ARDOR for the best sense of what we're looking for, but in general we seek writing that turns some small gears inside the reader's heart - writing that makes readers look at the world and at themselves in a way they couldn't without having read what you've written. Of course original, inspired sentences (and paragraphs, and pages) are wonderful. We enjoy humor and wit and elements of the fantastic, but if pressed to choose what is most important to us - the heft of meaningful writing is something that we hope to find and showcase in ARDOR.
ARDOR looks for original, unpublished writing. Because we're a digital publication it's important that the writing you submit hasn't appeared elsewhere online (even a personal blog). If you're unsure about whether or not we'll consider your work please send a query before submitting.
We recommend taking a look at a recent issue of ARDOR for the best sense of what we're looking for, but in general we seek writing that turns some small gears inside the reader's heart - writing that makes readers look at the world and at themselves in a way they couldn't without having read what you've written. Of course original, inspired sentences (and paragraphs, and pages) are wonderful. We enjoy humor and wit and elements of the fantastic, but if pressed to choose what is most important to us - the heft of meaningful writing is something that we hope to find and showcase in ARDOR.
FICTION (up to 25 pages) We are looking for short stories: literary fiction that is good and that matters. Please query before sending stand-alone novel excerpts or stories that exceed 25 pages double spaced. Please include word count in your submission title. NONFICTION (up to 25 pages) We're interested in narrative nonfiction. Please query if you aren't sure your piece will be a good fit, or before sending nonfiction longer than 25 pages double spaced. Please include word count in your submission title. SHORT-SHORTS (up to 1000 words, up to 3 pieces) We will consider short-shorts or flash up to 1000 words in length. Please submit no more than three pieces in this category. Please note the genre (fiction/nonfiction) of each piece within your submission. POETRY (up to 5 poems, no more than 15 pages) Please limit each submission to no more than five poems (15 pages). For longer works, please query first. ARTWORK/PHOTOGRAPHY We're always on the lookout for high-quality artwork to use in ARDOR and we're also interested in pieces to use as cover art. Please include some details about your submission and your career in the cover letter. BLOG ARTICLES We're always on the lookout for book reviews, articles on the craft of writing, etc. from guest bloggers. FORMATTING Please include a brief, print-ready third-person bio in the cover-letter section when submitting. Please submit prose double spaced, size 12 black font, left alignment. Please submit your manuscript as a .PDF, .RTF or WORD file. If your poem(s) have unique formatting you are encouraged to submit a .PDF to preserve formatting. Artwork is accepted in .JPG, .GIF, .TIFF or .PNG formats. We accept up to 10 files per submission. |
We are open to submissions year-round and consider work on a rolling basis. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE There will be three issues of ARDOR published each year (Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall). Exact dates of publication will be announced approximately one month prior to publication via Twitter and Facebook. Authors will receive pre-publication galleys of their work. SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS Are welcome. Please indicate that it is a simultaneous submission and please withdraw the submission immediately via Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere (and share the good news - let us know where it ended up!). In the case of multiple poems or short-shorts, one of which has been accepted elsewhere please email us with "URGENT - WITHDRAWAL [LASTNAME]" in the subject to inform us which of your pieces has been accepted and which are still available. MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS Are accepted, but please wait at least one week before submitting additional work to ARDOR. RESPONSE TIME At ARDOR we commit to reading every submission in its entirety TWICE to make sure that we have an opportunity to appreciate nuances that we may have missed the first time around. We will do our very best to respond within one month (you may hear in as little as a week!), but response times tend to be longer during peak submission periods (late fall, winter). If you haven't heard from us within two months, please feel free to contact us. We make our best effort to strike a balance between responding to work quickly and offering every submission two full, thoughtful reads. We apologize that we can't respond to every submission personally. If we decline your submission we hope that you have success placing it elsewhere. |
We realize that many literary publications don't charge a submission fee, so we want to explain why it is that we do. We feel strongly that writers should be paid for their work upon publication ... even if it isn't much. The $3 fee charged at submission goes directly into the pockets of the writers published in ARDOR. Any remaining funds pay for our website and our digital publishing platform. Any fee revenue that remains helps to fund writing competitions with respectable prize-money. We also hope that charging this nominal fee, combined with guaranteeing payment to those selected for publication in ARDOR will increase the quality of submissions and the overall quality of our publication ... both in the short term and the long term. This, in-turn, will increase the reputation of the publication and the reputation of those who have been published in ARDOR. PAYMENT In May 2013 we announced an increase in contributor pay. We currently offer $50 plus publication for Fiction and Nonfiction manuscripts over 1000 words. For Short-Shorts (prose under 1000 words) we offer $20 plus publication and we offer $15 per poem ($20 minimum per poet). Payment for artwork is discussed upon acceptance. We will offer writers higher compensation if available funds allow it. Payment will be issued upon publication and will be made by mail via check or online via PayPal. While we wish we could pay more, we're happy to offer this small reimbursement to our writers in addition to publication. Please know that you have our gratitude for contributing and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we will work tirelessly to present your work in a beautiful electronic format. Also, we'd like to note that we will be nominating and submitting work published in ARDOR for prizes and anthologies such as Pushcart, Best of the Net and the Best American series among others. In our first year we had work selected as finalists in each Best of the Net category and one poem was selected as a winner. |
RIGHTS: By submitting to ARDOR you pledge that your submissions is original, unpublished work and that you are the author or artist. If accepted for publication in ARDOR, ARDOR acquires First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights upon acceptance. All rights revert to the writer or artist 30 days after publication. Writer agrees to credit ARDOR if the published work is included in a collection or anthology at a later date. ARDOR retains the right to feature your work in a "Best of ARDOR" anthology at a later date. When you submit your work you agree that if your submission is simultaneously under consideration at other publications you will withdraw your submission immediately if it is accepted elsewhere. Submission Fee is nonrefundable.
ARDOR Literary Magazine is listed on Duotrope - you can visit our listing by clicking the link at right. Feedback about your experience submitting to ARDOR can be left at Duotrope - a resource which tracks response times & acceptance rates. Duotrope offers that information to writers in a large, searchable database.